A guide to marathon nutrition

All serious long-distance runners will be aware of the need to back up an intense physical schedule with the appropriate nutritional consumption.
This guide to sports nutrition will help you prepare a suitable marathon training plan for both before and during the race.
The race build-up
Nutritional planning usually begins around 10 weeks before the race, to help runners test and identify dietary plans in conditions similar to what they will experience along the route.
In the week before the race, be sure to check your muscle glycogen levels are at full fuel capacity. This can be achieved with regular carbohydrate ingestion, adding these types of calories instead of fat. Eat a large lunch the day before the race, followed by a lighter dinner in the evening.
The day of the race
On the day itself, a good 100-gram carbohydrate breakfast will replenish your liver glycogen, while fibre intake should be minimised to offset any gastrointestinal complications. In the final hour, aim to sip from a water bottle and take a gel.
During the race
Runners will need to be conscious of their sweat rates, having checked their weights and urine beforehand to see how much fluid is needed. During the race, an optimum carb consumption will amount to around 60 grams per hour, from sources such as gels, bananas or energy bars, while caffeine can add a boost and sodium electrolytes can help with absorption (in moderation).
For marathon tips and dietary guidance, contact online marathon coach Maximum Mileage Coaching today to discuss the best marathon training schedule for your needs. For meal inspiration, take a look at the ultimate cook book for runners.